Friday, 17 December 2021

Winter 2021 Concerts and Early Years Play

 After months of hard work, filming, and then a little bit of editing, our Winter Concerts and Early Years Winter Play are now available for viewing. You can watch them here: 


Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Spring 2021 Home Learning activities!

Hi everyone,

We're using YUMU for our music home learning. You can login here using the username and password you were given in your home learning pack - contact the school office if you've lost yours.

The YUMU modules have quite a lot to do, so should last for about 3-4 weeks each.

However, if you've finished, or want something else musical to do, here's a LOOOOOOONG list of suggestions. Pick an activity and have a go - it might take 20 minutes, it might be something you work on for days, or even weeks.

All music is good music, and making music is always good for you. I'll add things to the end of this list as I find new activities, so keep coming back to check what's new!

1. Sing a singing assembly!

Our singing assemblies go live on the school website every Wednesday here:

Did you know you can also find old assemblies on this blog (scroll down....) and also on our YouTube page?

Happy singing...

2. Create some awesome online music!

Here's a list of free online sites and apps that help you to create your own music. 

Pick a project, and really work at it. How many different ways can you use one of these sites to make music? You can record and save your work on lots of them too. 

If you email any finished work to then Dafydd will see it...

3. Learn a new song! YouTube, Spotify, Tiktok - these are all full of people finding ways of making music. 

Find a song you've always liked the sound of; search online for the lyrics (make sure they're age-appropriate!); go ahead and learn your song!

This month, Dafydd is enjoying his Sea Shanties, as you might have spotted in his latest singing assembly video. Can you make your own version of Wellerman?

If you record yourself, Dafydd will see anything that gets emailed to

4. Chair drumming!

Chair + 2 wooden spoons = DRUMKIT

Develop some amazing drumkit skills with just a spare chair, and two sticks or wooden spoons. 
Here's a video to get you started:

Once you get confident, can you drum along to a song?  Seven Nation Army is good place to start

If you email any finished work to then Dafydd will see it...

5. Cup Drumming!

As made famous by the film Pitch Perfect... you can play percussion patterns with just a plastic cup and a table or floor.

Can you learn this pattern? It starts off easy but gets tricky, so take it slow and don't be afraid to pause and rewind the video as much as you need...

Once you get the hand of it, can you sing a song at the same time....?
How about developing your own cup rhythms and pattern?

If you email any finished work to then Dafydd will see it...

6. Create a dance routine!

Moving to music is a really important part of your musical learning! Find a song that makes you want to move, and dance! Dance! DANCE!

7. Listen to a music podcast...

David Walliams' Marvellous Musical Podcast is a free and fantastic trip through the world of classical music. Find a quiet comfy space, some headphones, and be transported places wonderful and new. 

8. Take a musical journey through World Music  has a brilliant guide to many types of music from around the world, with videos and sound files to experience, as well as LOADS of background information about what you're listening to. 

Find a country's music that grabs your information, then search YouTube or Spotify to see if you can find more music from the same areas, or by the same people. Dafydd, for example, is a lifelong fan of South African jazz music... why not check it out and see if you agree or disagree?

9. Build your own instruments!

If it makes noise... it's an instrument! Here are some guides to making musical instruments out of things you might already have at home.
If you make a few, you could try and form a band with the other people in your house...
If you email any finished work, pictures or videos to then Dafydd will see what you've done...

10.  Practice an instrument!

If you're lucky enough to have your own musical instrument to play on... then why are you even reading this? Go and play it! Go NOW!